Monday, June 14, 2010

Finally and the winners are....

Sorry it has taken me so long to announce the winners of my donated prizes!!  Without further ado:

Vania Smrkovski: Tomato Head & Massage Gift Certificate
Suzy Trotta: Massage Certificate
Keir Woods: Massage Gift Certificate
Mike Bensey: Massage Gift Certificate & Tomato Head Gift Certificate
Kate Moore: Lox Salon Gift Cerrtificate
Kevin Simcoe: Massage Gift Certificate
Trevor Piety: Massage Gift Certificate

Thanks again for all of your support!!

As a side note I am currently looking for donations of any of the following: art supplies (crayons, paper, paint, etc.), coloring books, school supplies (regular pencils, glue, rulers etc.), baby clothes, diapers, tooth paste, tooth brushes etc.  If you have any of these items please email me at and I will set up a time to pick them up.  I would like to send a care package to the orphanage by the beginning of July!

Thanks and look for updates (as hermanito Juan and others have given me news of the kids) in the near future!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We sing in one language

The great thing about kids is tht even if you have language barriers there are still ways to communicate. You can still find ways to play, tease, make jokes and be silly. These things, these actions, are universal. One afternoon last week there was a lull in our day. I began to sing my ABC's in a teasing effort to get one of the little girls who is resistant to learning English interested. The action was followed by a rousing round of "Row row row your boat" by hermanito Juan and myself. This is what followed:

Aside from my daughetr's plays I think it was the best concert I have ever attended, in fact I am certain.